3 Day Quote Challenge · Tags

The 3 Day Quote Challenge – Day Three

Today is the third and final day of this mini quote challenge, and today’s theme is ‘humanity’. I was nominated to do the challenge by the lovely Jo Smith! I should also note that the featured images I have used are not my own and do in a fact come from Home, Hugs and Huskies. Here’s Day OneDay Two and, of course, the rules of the challenge:


  • Show the challenge on your blog.
  • Thank your nominator.
  • Pick a favourite quote, explain what it means and tell your readers why you chose that quote.
  • Nominate people for every post (I won’t be doing this – if you want to do the quote challenge then please do, I’d love to read your posts!)
  • Post the challenge once a day for 3 days and include one quote for each post.

The thing that teaches us to respect one another, religion, has many times throughout history been the thing that divides us. In fact, placing each other into numerous ‘categories’ (e.g: nationality, social class, skin colour, age) within society can also be rather destructive. It’s important to remember that we are all human, just our experiences and values are all a little different.
This is a quote by the fantastic Nayyirah Waheed. When you have something vital to say, speak up, even if you must use up all your courage. The world has been changed countless times because of the words that people have been strong enough to say/write.
This is another quote that isn’t really a quote, but I love it so I’ve shared it anyway. Reading this makes me think of all the things that I, and so many others, do that damage the earth on which we live. From the smaller things like leaving lights on and forgetting to recycle, to the bigger things like deforestation, war , pollution and poverty; we all have the power to counteract the bad in order to work towards a better world.

That concludes my 3 day quote challenge! If you’ve decided to do it yourself, let me know in the comments so that I can watch out for your posts.

My posting will be back to normal in a few days!

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